Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Better Walk than Run...

Last Sunday, I participated the Penang 10km Starwalk with Lay Hoon. Managed to finish within 2hours. I thought it was impossible to finish within that time. I was suprised that we made it. Both of us finished at the same time, 1hr 26min.

What bugs me the most is the timing. My last 10km RUN timing was 1hr 11min 39sec (November 22, 2008 - training record). While for the 10km StarWALK... is 1 hr 26min. It's just 15minutes apart.

I cannot accept it... 10km run is so difficult; painful, tiring, stress, mental torture etc.. all hardwork!!! and only to be 15minutes apart from the effortless 10km walk?!?!? Come on... is my watch playing tricks on me?


evelyn tea said...

I took you fast forward through the time-travelling-walking- machine... feels effortless, huh? ;)

Andrew said...

That is why I want you to run with me in the next 10km RUN.

Miracle Miler said...
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Hasten said...

You know, some uncles rite... They do "shuffle running".

They are running, but they look like walking. Looks like walking, but actually they're running.

Very small steps, no bigger than walking steps. But very high frequency. Quick quick quick!

One uncle was doing it during the PSKPP nationals. I couldn't catch him!