Thursday, October 30, 2008

Run Andrew Run!

I took it as a personal challenge. I want to train for the KRI 12.8km Road Race in Ipoh. I want to challenge myself!

In about 30 days from now, I want to be able to finish the 12.8km. The timing? I'm still working on it but the most important goal for me right now is to be able to finish the race. I will reveal the timing I want to achieve on the eve of the race.

That will explain my previous blog entry. I bought the shoe not for style but for a comfortable and successful run. I wasted one day training because I went looking for shoes. Wasted so much time, at the end of the day, I bought an original Asics shoe from the Pasar Malam for a ridiculous cheapo price.

I already started my training on Sunday (26th October 2008) and Monday (27th October 2008). The first training is always the hardest one and also the most motivated one. It was tough. It felt like an asthma attack. Here’s what happened on 26th October 2008:

Feeling so motivated, I felt so light (in my head maybe) and I thought I could run without panting heavily. I was wrong. Just after two rounds of 4oo meters I ‘HihahiHAa’ already. I stopped. I thought resting a little bit will help, so after resting for like 5minutes (catching my breath) I went for 4oometers sprint (crazy isn’t it? Told you I was motivated, but stupidly motivated). After that I want to vomit already… I rested very long…

After a long rest and a can of 100plus I went for a very-very slow jog. Here’s the running log:

1. Jogged 300meters 2. Then walk 100meters3. Jogged 300meters again4. Then walk the remaining 100meters5. Jogged my last 300meters6. Too tired already. Go back.

For the second training, I was more prepared. Surfed the net to check out some tips. Also went to Joshua’s blog to see his training methods. I ate 90grams of peanuts. Did 15minutes of warm up and was ready to go.

It was better this time. I manage to do 2.2Km non stop in 16 minutes give or take. I went for a slow jog for about 1.8Km. All together my training today amounted of 4Km of running.

It was satisfying. It was a sign that i still can do it.... (i was having those crystalized moment)

Tips suggested to me to take rest so that I can recover and reenergized. So i did not do anything the next day.

I hope at the end of the day when I cross the finish line of the KRI race, I can testify to all my FAT and BEER-BELLIED friends that “If I can do it… So can you! YOU CAN DO IT!”

I'll leave you with this to be motivated:

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