Thursday, October 30, 2008

My 3rd Training

Yesterday’s training was incredible I hit my 5Km mark already. Following Joshua Hooi’s advice, I jog for 30minutes non-stop and was able to reached around 3.8Km.
I pushed myself to the limits and was able to reach 5Km in…
39minutes 11seconds.
And the best part is, I still got 30days to train and to improve for my KRI race.

Today cannot training because couldn't reach back in time. I went to Joshua's school (SMK Selayang Bahru) to help out with KOMAS workshop. When it ended it was already 4pm. The rush hour in KL was so hectic. Couldn't get into the KTM Komuter 3 times. Reach UKM around 7pm and it was getting dark already.

Tomorrow. I will run.

You Can Do It!!

1 comment:

Hasten said...

Wow... You are really hebat.

That's real progress!