Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My 38th Training

New Training route:

This is "Tasik Rekreasi UKM". If you google this lake, the descrpition for this lake sounds like this:

Yellowish to Brown most of the year around. Heavy silt from nearby construction work. Popular dating spot in UKM at night. Rumored to be the playground of ghosts.

Also known as Tasik Kejut by some, Maybe too many shocking incidents happened here. The Pegawai Keselamatan also rated this area as a "HOTSPOT" area - a potential "Tempat Maksiat".

But now already fully renovated. So, all the yellowish, brown, Ghost and hantu maksiat already gone. Ok, i'm not sure about the maksiat part but definitely the area is nicer to run now.

Anyway, I'm not there to bermaksiat but there to bergiat because KL City 10K Run is coming soon and so far NO satisfying training is achieved.

One round of the Tasik is approximately 856.41meters long. And I tried hard running one round, clocked in at 5min 12sec.

I plan to do at least a one hour run or 10km run today... Mana tau when i reached my 6th round the frogs at the Tasik summoned the rain and stopped my training.

Only manage to run a total of 5km++. Timing 33min 01sec.

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