Saturday, November 08, 2008

My 8th Training: Off-track running - Post-mortem

All the while i was training and running in the stadium's track. It was flat and smooth track. I just run, sometimes even closing my eye and run. It was boring but easy.

Running around the UKM campus gives me an idea of how KRI 12.8Km run gonna be. It's a lot of different from the track training in the UKM stadium. Here are some of my thoughts.

First thing, running on the road hurts my knees more. I can literally feel the impact as my feet stomp on the hard pavement while i was running.

Second thing, there's uphill road, something which i haven't gone through before. Ooo gravity... you mean a whole new thing to me when i was running uphill the other day.

Third thing, obstacles are everywhere - people walking slowly in front of you tend to slow your pace. Rubbish bin in the middle of no where and the smell of it... er... slow me down. I got to watch out for traffic as well. Gotta watch out for Cars and motorbikes while running. Oh ya, i think this something to add on, MONKEYS. they are everywhere in UKM. I got to avoid them when i saw a group of them, and one of them (i think it's the Alpha Male) gave me the warning teeth showing sound...

I ran a total of 6.2km in 54min 12sec. If you one to compare me with a more experience runner like Joshua, by the time i finish 6Km, he will will be sitting down resting and sipping through his 2nd bottle of gatorade already.

The positive point of this training is that i manage to run for nearly an hour without stopping. KUDOS!


Hasten said...

Yup, road running will hurt more. Some people advice against it for training. But another school of thought believes that it is good to train (correctly) on asphalt. Reason being: Your knees and ankles will become tougher as you get used to it.

When running uphill, you have to run with your arms. It sounds weird, but true. Pump your arms more vigorously. You will realize your arms will bring you over the hill. Not your legs.

You get full marks for persistence :)

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