Thursday, November 06, 2008

My 7th Training - NOS training

Yesterday was my first NOS training and all i can say is this:

I hate it.

It's way too tiring and panful. I felt that i did not sweat enough and did not train enough. After 4 laps of NOS, i decided to go home already. Too tired to finish my remaining jog.

My timing was not consistent. When they told me to run as if a dog was chasing after me, i imagined a rottweiler. Then the 2nd Lap, I imagined my home raised PUG chasing after me.

1st Lap - 1:47:22

2nd Lap - 1:53:03

3rd Lap - 1:48:03

4th Lap - 1:51:50


But today, i'm going off-track. Here's my running path:

Its in UKM. One round, according to the measurement in Google Map, it is 3.1Km. Today i'll be doing Long Slow Distance Training.

1 comment:

Hasten said...

Hahaha... NOS ain't easy, is it? :)

It tires anyone quickly. Some people may experience a blacking out sensation. Cos the heart has not been pushed to pump so hard before. So the oxygen isn't reaching the brain. Scary, huh...

But take heart! When your heart gets accustomed to pumping furiously, you will be able to exert a lot of effort into your running without "feeling" it.

When you can bring your pulse rate up without feeling it, that means you're able to push a faster pace. NOS training teaches you to do that.

When you can bring your pulse rate down again rapidly (NOS training teaches you to do that too), that means you can recover very quickly. That's very useful too, in case you have to walk a bit during your 12.8km race.

Those things are crucial to boost your confidence level up a few notches.