Monday, November 03, 2008

My 4th Training

My 4th Training was on Friday 31st October 2008.

As usual, one round of warm up jog and 10 minutes of stretching. Then munch some peanuts and one banana. Good to go.

I was planning to improve my 4Km time. My last training, i recorded only 3.5Km when i reached the 30th minute.

It was good this time. Managed to finish 4km in 29mins 46sec.

Push myself somemore to finish 5Km in 37mins 38sec.

I was brought back to the time i first watched the movie 'Babe' and remember the words of Farmer Hoggett...

Narrator: And though every single human in the stands or in the commentary boxes was at a complete loss for words, the man who in his life had uttered fewer words than any of them knew exactly what to say.
Farmer Hoggett: That'll do, pig. That'll do

(Babe: 1995)

That'll do, Andrew. That'll do.

1 comment:

Hasten said...

Ok, you're there, man...

Maybe it's time to get you to the NOS lab!