Monday, November 17, 2008

My 13th Training

Last Friday i supposed to do my NOS training. Unfortunately, it rained.
Then yesterday (saturday) was supposed to be the day for me to compesate my postponed training. But unfortunately again, i was busy helping my dad in his Anti-ISA vigil preparation. Imagine me preparing 500 cups and candles for the event... i need 'human rights' also you know...
Then there is today (Sunday). Thank God that Lay Hoon wanted to work out today. So we went to Botanical Gardens.
Botanical Garden is not a great place to train your run especially if it's a weeknend in the evening. Today, I thought after the Penang Bridge run, there will be lesser people. I was wrong, the place was jammed pack with tourist.
Anyway, I'm still trying to find how far exactly is the length of Botanical Garden's route.
I was rushing to finish my training today. So I simply did one big round of Botanical Garden's route which i clocked in at 12mins 49sec.
The second try, i clocked in at 12min 54sec.
Point to note:
I seriously need to get use to running up on slope. I struggle a lot running up the slope area. It wears out a lot of energy. I think NOS training may help.
The need to plan while running is important. I felt that today i've learnt how to avoid people while running. How to squeeze through between crowds while running. There were people who ran and suddenly switched to the side without giving any signal, it broke my momentum.


evelyn tea said...

How do you expect people to give signals before they switch sides? It's not like how cars would do on the road I hope..

Andrew said...

they can slowly run to the side. NOT suddenly switch sides... can cause accident you know.

evelyn tea said...

btw, i will sign up for the competition participation in the Starwalk later. at least can get the cert :P

we need to train harder :D

Hasten said...

Botanical Gardens is quite a nice place, if you wanna NOS there! Green lungs, man... Just that you can't be too specific with the distance then. But it works fine just the same, if you put your own markers along the route.

NOS training may not specifically help with uphill running, although it may boost your rockets a bit. To get strong on hills, do hills repeats after your long run. Push yourself up a hill, right after you're done with your day's program. Soon, they won't be a biggie.

Tip: The uphill stretch beside USM's swimming pool is a killer. Start from red house, sprint uphill, stop at the swimming pool's entrance. Can black out, man... hehe!

The "squeezing though crowds" maneuver will come in handy too. Especially during the start of a race. When everyone is clumped together like berudu in a bottle! :)