Monday, November 10, 2008

Cannot Train Today.

I can't train today (10th November 2008)

But i got a very damn good reason for it.

Heard about the 23 arrested at Bersih gathering?

Yes? Yar, I'm one of the 23.

It was either a candlelight vigil against ISA or the first anniversary of BERSIH gathering or RPK release Celebration. I'm not sure.

I did not plan to go there. I was just hitching a ride home to Penang on my dad's car who was here for that event with 3 other friends. One of them was Ong Boon Keong.

Out of generous favor, i decided to help Ong B.K to snap some photos to document the event.

To cut the story short, I was arrested when I wanted to snap a shot on two police officers rough-handling one of the arrested people. Suddenly, one of them hit my camera and wanted to take it away. I resisted and said "Tuan, saya hanya buat kerja saya".

Right after i said that, two police officers grab my shoulders and waist - push me into the BLACK MARIA TRUCK. It happened so fast.
I got good reasons to say that i'm not part of the illegal gathering:

1.) I wasn't even wearing yellow, or Anti-ISA T-shirt or FREE RPK T-shirt.
2.) I came late. When i reached, The riot-police was already in position to disperse the crowd.
3.) I'm part of the 'media' people. Just helping Ong to document. I was just doing my job. (I later found out a Malaysiakini Cameraman was in the truck with me.)

Before I know it. I was detain in the PJ Police Station for about 8hours. We were in a stress position - they put us outside, we were very tired and sleepy but weren't able to sleep.
After 2 statements were given to the Inspecting Officer and photographs taken on me like criminals do, I was released at about 7.30am. My Papa jamin me out. Thanks dad!
But the thing i don't like is that i got to go back to the PJ Police Station by 24th November 2008 or esle my dad will be RM2000 poorer.

It was my first experience. It was worth it. MP Tony Puah, Ronnie Liu and ADUN Lau Weng San was also arrested. I mean, how often do you get to be in the same truck with the Opposition Politicians. Somemore it's a Black Maria Truck leh...
P.S: Oh yar, Ong Boon Keong was arrested too. So it was fair... both of us kena, hahaha. He was helpful, since he was very experience in such situation. Thanks Ong!
This is a video recorded by MediaRakyat. Try to look for me. I'm the nervous nail-biting little kid with the 'pony tail'...


Hasten said...

Hahahaha! Wrong choice of words, man! You say the word "kerja", they will automatically think you're working for some media company. Liao!

Next time, say la, something like...

"Eh, ini Nikon saya balu beli mia... Saya mau testing night shots mah... Tak boleh ah? Oh, soli ah... soli... saya tak tau..."

Anyway, your "excuse" is the best I've ever heard so far! Just next to "rumah saya kena roboh oleh MPS" :)

Andrew said...

It was a lousy excuse i know... I hope there will be no "NEXT Time".