Saturday, January 17, 2009

My 33rd Training

Today I did 7km run. Covered that length in 46minutes 39seconds.

I realised when i reached the 4km my time was 24minutes 37seconds. That's a new personal best because my previous timing in the same venue was 25minutes 46seconds. That's about 50 seconds faster.

My 6km timing also improve. I clocked 40minutes 36seconds at the 6km mark during the KRI
12.8km run. This time it's 38minutes 46seconds.

I seriously think it's the hill training i've gone through which helps me to improve my running and timing. I'll talk more about that in my next posting,... gotta run to the TV room to catch the result of the Kuala Terengganu by election. bye!

9.09pm UPDATE: The team at the PAS IT centre has reported that the tallying process has stopped as PAS has declared victory based on unofficial reports that PAS has won by a majority of 2,616.

Malaysiakini 9.10pm UPDATE: According EC official tally: PAS (32,393 votes), BN (29,969), Independent (191) with two more boxes to be tallied. The majority so far is 2,424.

FINAL and OFFICIAL UPDATE: PAS Wins Kuala Terengganu.

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