Monday, November 03, 2008

My 5th Training

Saturday 1st November 2008 was my 5th training.

Two things to take note:

1.) My appetite had grown bigger. I will have my dinner at 7pm and got hungry again at 10pm.

2.) My left knee was hurting after 5th training. Thank goodness I’m resting the next day. I guess I’m pushing myself too much. Need to find some alternative practice that uses less of my leg but still improves my stamina.

I did a 2km experiment. Every 100meters i will jog, then the next 100meters, I will stride. The first set of 2km i managed to achieve 10mins 57sec.

The 2nd set of 2Km experiment was not consistent. The timing was 17mins 45sec. It was a bad experiment. My body cannot handle such training. It'll kill me. Time to think of a new and quick way.

I went for another 1Km jog to achieve my 5Km criteria for every training.


Hasten said...

The hunger part is normal. I had the "hungry all the time" syndrome too. I thought I had worms. So I Zentel-ed myself.

The knees part is also normal. It happened to me too when I first got started into running. After a longer time of training, (without aggravating the knee injury), your knees will get stronger. And the pain will be only a memory :)

Andrew said...

updates: no more pain on my knee. But still hungry though.

Hasten said...

Zentel! Zentel!

When was the last time you dewormed? :)