Sunday, November 23, 2008


Race day is 7 days away and i've got a blister on my foot on the 17th Training. The blister is on my left foot, just at the side of my forefoot where the big toe is.

(above: the punctured blister)

If running a 10km can cause you a blister... i can only imagine what will happen after the KRI 12.8km run... gosh! What will happen if this is the Penang bridge run? amputation?!?!

Well, i guess it's the price to pay to play

(according to a website article in, this blister of mine is a small one. So no worries.)


evelyn tea said...

don't puncture don't puncture don't puncture ... now it is drink more water drink more water drink more water... and sleep early.

Hasten said...

Uh oh...

Either your shoe is a bad fit / wrong type.

Or you're wearing bad socks.

I used to get blisters pretty badly. Had to do "preemptive blister management" before every race. As in, I'd know exactly where the blisters will come. So I put plaster on all those spots first.

But after I switched to the correct type of shoes, (my NB 767), no more blisters ensued. No need to do "preemptive blister management" anymore!

Or, the other alternative is, to get a special type of socks. I think the brand is called Thorlough. It feels very comfortable when you wear it. You can't imagine getting blisters in it.

But it's RM50 per pair. I don't personally see the need. But some do. Just for the info :)

Andrew said...

Evelyn: Yes madam! I will drink water.

Joshua: You are right. I'm wearing a bad cheap socks. RM5 for 4 socks. Where else if not the pasar malam in Bangi. The socks is so thin that some may mistaken it as a panty hose.