Thursday, November 13, 2008

10th and 11th Training.

I'm back in Penang. So, it means that i need to find a new training venue. Thank God for Google map. I've found a few places which is near my place.

This is Gurney drive. According to Google Map, running from one end to the other will be 2Km. So, i run from point A to B and back to A again, i'll achieve an ammount of 4Km of running.

This is around my place - Jalan Edgecumbe. One round of this is 1.4Km. So,if one of the training if i tak ouas hati with my running, i'll run another 1.4Km for fun.

This is the map of Padang Kota. Currently, thismap cannot be used because the Pdang Kota road is closed for the "Cancelled" Tennis Tournament. But runnin around here will be great because the food court is near and the Uncle who sells nice and fresh fruits is at Jalan Tun Syed Shah Barakbah. One round of this is 1.1Km.

10th Training:
On Tuesday, after i recovered from my Police detention trauma :-), I head straight to training in the evening at 6.30pm, right after watching 'The Simpsons" in Starworld.
I did the Gurney venue. It was a bad timing, i couldn't judge when i should run faster. I clocked 4Km at 31min 58sec.
Tak Puas hati, I ran another 1.4Km around my neigbourhood.
11th Training:
On Wednesday, I head to training slightly earlier - 6pm, right after watching 'Whoose Line is it anyway' in Starworld. I did the Gurney venue.
I would like to change tactic. I planned to run a little faster than normal until my leg grew tired than i'll start jogging. Then after when my leg recover its energy back again, i'll start pushing myself again.
My timing was abit better. I clocked in 4Km at 28min 17sec. That tactic saves me around 4minutes.
Tommorow, I'll try running in Padang Kota Lama. and perhaps the day after, i''ll do my horrible NOS training in USM stadium.


Hasten said...

Yes, your tactics on Wednesday's training is a good one! Start strong, hold on to the threshold for as long as you can, "recover" a while by reducing pace, then pick it up again when you're ready.

That is probably what's gonna happen during race day.

And yeah, do the NOS! Don't give up. You will reap the amazing benefits in due time :)

Andrew said...

Watched Prefontaine running tactic... i can't believe a person can go on running so strong for so long and still have somemore to push at the end of the final lap.