Friday, October 10, 2008

Globalization: The New Form of Colonization

Much has been explored about globalization and the conclusion has very much comes to the perception that it is a good thing. As much as it’s been told and often been declared that globalization is an unavoidable wave, it has to be also halt in question to foresee its’ role in each newly established nation.
Globalization is an invention by the west, to be more precise, nations such as the United States and the ex-imperialist nation. Screen in deeper in perspective, globalization is a movement by the richer folks.
Only the richer nations can really penetrate into the poorer nations. Their role in the economics and politics of each nation is vast and they literally control the third world nations. The current America financial crisis is one example of how powerful nations may affect any non related countries such as Malaysia.
In terms of culture is even worst. Young nations are forsaking their own culture and embracing the culture of the west. Globalization they say, claiming that it is a form of transculturation and to be seen as a natural progress but Postcolonialist describes such event as cultural hegemony – meaning a domination of culture in the minds of its colonial subjects.
The damage has been done. There is no turning back. To cleanse such matter will seriously need a process famous in George Orwell’s 1984, RE-EDUCATION. The People’s Republic of China did it before; they call it ‘Cultural Revolution’.
Only the purest Communist Ideology can save us.

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