Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Human Rights dilemma

People were clapping and cheering. Some even stand up to cheer and clap. The lady beside me was drying up the tears in her eyes with tissue paper.

It's very disturbing to see people championing the rights of the homosexuals.

But seriously, if you were at the Freedom film Festival when they were showing the 30minutes documentary entitled ‘Pecah Lobang’ by Poh Si teng; I bet you will be giving the show a standing ovation as well if you watch it.

It was well arranged and recorded to portray the hardship of the “Mak Nyah”. You can’t help but to pity them instantly.

Being a Christian and a human rights believer is a mind suicidal attempt. Brain explodes.

I’m not against them (homosexuals). I personally believe that they can be help.

But, how about the transexuals or transvertites? Is that a case of no turning back or forgiveness? What if the transexuals or transvertites realize their wrongs and becomes christian or even muslim? How to attach that ‘thing’ back?!?! You think can grow back meh?

The ADUN from Hulu Kelang, Saari bin Sungib (PAS) was there. I admit that during the screening and the discussion, I constantly peeped to see his facial expression. I wanted to know what he thinks about it.

It's worrying, disturbing, confusing, saddening and pening. I'm worried that one day my child will come to me and say "Hey Dad, I'm a homosexual and i'm proud of it... HIDUP HUMAN RIGHT!"

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